19 January, 2025


Frequently Asked Questions

How to register?

Visit, then select the "Sign up" button in the right-hand corner. Choose one of the "Teacher" or "Student" versions and start filling in all the necessary information. We write the username and password (as well as the password) in Latin letters. Note also CAPTCHA and click on "Sign up".

How to Create a Task Force?

The teacher has tasks that he or she has created and must group so that the student can perform several tasks in succession. You'll need to visit the Task Force section and fill in all the lines, title, subject, and number of questions (when typing any number, there will automatically be as many question lines, click on each and select the question).

How to create a "Simple" task type?

We go to the already prepared personal page, then hover over the "Question" option and click "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options, we select "Normal" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - a task title that will help you easily find the question when creating a task group. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ Assessment - Assessment for the task (1-10 points) 4 ․ "Text query" - Indicate the query query. 5 ․ In this step you should write up to 6 answers, only one of which is correct. And just for the only right answer in the box, put a dot to show the system the right answer. 6 ․ Leave status "Active" (If you need to keep the issue from appearing in the system, you can easily edit it and change the status to "Passive"). 7% Click "Publish". The first task - the game is ready.

How to create a "Comparison" task type?

Any task before creating, you must first work with the background image and the necessary objects (preferably with Photoshop). After that, visit the already prepared personal page, on the left side of the screen, click the "Add Objects" button and add the required objects as needed. Then we hover over the "Question" option and click on "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options we select "Compare" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - State the task in question. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ "Rating" - A score for completing a task (1-10 points). 4 ․ Background image - Download the background image (880px X 650px). 5 ․ Difference Images - Objects of their respective sizes (75px X 75px) should be downloaded here, which should be placed on one of the background images to create a comparison game. 6 ․ Leave status "Active" (If you need to keep the issue from appearing in the system, you can easily edit it and change the status to "Passive"). 7. After installing the objects, click Continue. 8. In this step you will see a background image with and without objects. 9. Click "Publish".

How to create a "Imagination" task type?

Any task before creating, you must first work with the background image and the necessary objects (preferably with Photoshop). After that, visit the already prepared personal page, on the left side of the screen, click the "Add Objects" button and add the required objects as needed. Then we hover over the "Question" option and click on "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options, we select "Imagine" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - State the task in question. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ "Rating" - A score for completing a task (1-10 points). 4 ․ Background image - Download background image. If there is a need to create a background image on its own, it should be noted that from the left of the 880px to the center of the image, you should measure 270px, then divide the resulting number into columns (2,3 or 4). 5 ․ Select the required number of columns (2,3 or 4). 6 ․ Click Continue. 7% Prepare and drag objects into the squares specified. 8% Click Continue. 9% To teach the system the rules of the game, in which column, which image should be placed. 10% Click "Publish".

How to Create a "Computing" task type?

Any task before creating, you must first work with the background image and the necessary objects (preferably with Photoshop). After that, visit the already prepared personal page, on the left side of the screen, click the "Add Objects" button and add the required objects as needed. Then we hover over the "Question" option and click on "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options we select "Computational" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - State the task in question. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ "Rating" - A score for completing a task (1-10 points). 4 ․ Background image - Download background image (880px X 650px). 5 ․ Prepare and drag objects into the specified squares (up to 10). 6 ․ Click Continue. 7% Teach the system the rules of the game by hovering over objects and dragging them on the background as needed. 8% Click "Publish".

How to create a "Find the pair" task type ?

Any task before creating, you must first work with the background image and the necessary objects (preferably with Photoshop). After that, visit the already prepared personal page, on the left side of the screen, click the "Add Objects" button and add the required objects as needed. Then we hover over the "Question" option and click on "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options, we select "Memory" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - State the task in question. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ "Rating" - A score for completing a task (1-10 points). 4 ․ Matrix Size - choose what size the matrix should be (3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6). 5. Objects - Catch and drag objects in the indicated boxes in advance. 6 ․ Click Continue. 7% In this step, we can change the locations of objects by clicking "Redistribute" or simply clicking "Publish".

How to create a "Dynamic" task type?

Any task before creating, you must first work with the background image and the necessary objects (preferably with Photoshop). After that, visit the already prepared personal page, on the left side of the screen, click the "Add Objects" button and add the required objects as needed. Then we hover over the "Question" option and click on "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options we select "Dynamics" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - a task title that will help you easily find the question when creating a task group. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ "Rating" - A score for completing a task (1-10 points). 4 ․ Task Type - Select the task type (Text, Image, Video (Youtube link), Audio (download required audio)). 5 ․ Text query - Submit a query query. 6 ․ Objects - Drag and drop the corresponding objects in the 6 squares specified with the mouse. 7% Put a box in the box for the correct answer to the task. 8% Click "Publish".

How to Create a "Changing" task type?

Any task before creating, you must first work with the background image and the necessary objects (preferably with Photoshop). After that, visit the already prepared personal page, on the left side of the screen, click the "Add Objects" button and add the required objects as needed. Then we hover over the "Question" option and click on "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options we select "Modify" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - a task title that will help you easily find the question when creating a task group. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ "Rating" - A score for completing a task (1-10 points). 4 ․ Background image - Download background image (880px X 650px). 5 ․ Question - State the question of the task. 6 ․ Objects - Drag and drop the corresponding objects in the 6 vertical squares specified with the mouse. 7% Put a box in the box for the correct answer to the task. If you wish, you can add a picture or YouTube link that the student will see after answering the question. 8% Click "Publish".

How to Create a "Maze" task type?

Any task before creating, you must first work with the background image and the necessary objects (preferably with Photoshop). After that, visit the already prepared personal page, on the left side of the screen, click the "Add Objects" button and add the required objects as needed. Then we hover over the "Question" option and click on "Create Question" (or immediately click on "Question" then click on "Create Question"). From these options we select "Location Orientation" and continue ("Create"). Fill in the required lines: 1 ․ "Title" - State the task in question. 2 ․ "Countdown" - The period during which the student must complete the task (max. 100 seconds). 3 ․ "Rating" - A score for completing a task (1-10 points). 4 ․ Complexity of the game - Choose how complicated the game should be (Simple, Normal, Complex). 5 ․ Objects - Place the pre-prepared objects in 2 squares as the beginning and end of the maze. 6 ․ Click Continue. 7% Check the accuracy and click "Publish".